Posted on July 26th, 2021
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In Q4 2020, the Colorado Oil and Gas Conservation (COGCC) significantly updated their regulations and requirements. Updates to COGCC Rules 424 and 1201 in particular will have a notable impact on operators’ regulatory and reporting requirements.
Under COGCC Rule 1201.a & 1201.b, operators must submit a formal Wildlife Protection or Mitigation Plan as an attachment to their Form 2As. These plans were not previously required by the COGCC. Per Rule 1201.a, proposed sites outside High Priority Habitat (HPH) areas must detail a formal Wildlife Protection Plan. Per Rule 1201.b, proposed sites inside HPH areas must detail a formal Wildlife Mitigation Plan. At a minimum, either plan must describe operating practices and measures that the operator will implement to avoid, minimize, and mitigate adverse impacts to wildlife. Protection plans may be issued to address multiple oil and gas locations, but mitigation plans, when required, may require analysis for each individual location, habitat fragmentation and cumulative impacts to wildlife, and will require CPW consultation and/or approval. A detailed set of Environmental Compliance Reviews & Design Solutions will ensure you are following established industry regulations.
COGCC Rule 424 details new lighting regulations, requirements, and limitations that are substantially different from former Rule 803. Also as an attachment to their Form 2As, operators must now submit a formal Lighting Mitigation Plan signed by a person with relevant experience in Light Mitigation techniques and design. Lighting Mitigation Plans must address Lighting Standards, Pre-Production Facility Lighting, Production Facility Lighting, Cumulative Light Impacts, and Safety Impacts. A detailed set of Engineering & Design Solutions will ensure you are following established industry regulations.
If you are proposing new or amended Oil & Gas operations in the State of Colorado, we can help! Our Engineers and Designers closely monitor regulatory agency communications to stay up to date on evolving requirements to ensure you stay compliant. Our team is both experienced and informed to help you develop Environmental Compliance and Engineering & Design Solutions accurately and efficiently.
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