Posted on March 22nd, 2021
Posted in Newsletter Volume 1 Tags: Philanthropy
India is the epicenter of human trafficking and, according to the U.N., it is, “the most dangerous country in the world to be a woman because of the high risk of sexual violence and slave labor.” More than 200,000 persons are trafficked in India each year. The most prevalent destination for those being trafficked is employment in the commercial sex industry which includes an estimated 2 million sex workers, 20% of which are under the age of 16.
The vast majority of these victims are girls who typically come from illiterate, lower caste families. Without an education and vocational skills, experience has shown that, even after rescue, these girls will often return to the sex trade simply to survive.
There is a critical need for high quality aftercare services for girls who are rescued from this nightmare scenario.
New Horizons House is a residential aftercare facility in the Indian state of Andhra Pradesh which is providing comprehensive restorative and rehabilitative services for 45 girls aged 12-18 who have been rescued from human trafficking and sexual abuse. The services provided include trauma counseling, medical care, education, and vocational training. The holistic program allows the girls to acquire the confidence and skills they need to be able to make alternative choices for themselves and their futures.
A number of girls sheltered at New Horizons House are currently attending junior college and several recent graduates have successfully started their own small businesses and are not only supporting themselves but their families as well. This program has been recognized by the Indian Child Welfare Committee (CWC) as one of the preeminent facilities of its kind in India.
Halker’s Principal Environmental Engineer, Jon Spencer, is the President of New Horizons House International. We are incredibly proud of Jon’s lifelong philanthropy and are beyond inspired by the accomplishments of his team.
Please consider partnering with their efforts at:
PDF Handout: NHH 2-Page Handout